Religious Dues


Zakat is an annual payment made by eligible Muslims all over the world. This obligatory donation is made by the Nisab value for one year.


At Afghan Relief, we believe in the power of Sadaqah – a powerful Islamic principle that encompasses acts of kindness, empathy, and generosity. A smile, a helping hand, or a donation to charity are all forms of Sadaqah.

Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah is a timeless act of lasting goodness in Islam, where your charitable acts continue to benefit people. It’s a way to earn ongoing rewards in the Hereafter while making a real difference today.


When someone cannot fast in Ramadan and can’t make up the lost days afterwards (for example, because of a long-term health condition), they should pay Fidyah for someone else to be fed.


Aqiqah is a joyous occasion that marks the birth of a child and expresses gratitude to the Almighty Allah for this precious gift. At Afghan Relief, we understand the profound importance of Aqiqah in our faith and culture.

Eid Gifts

As the crescent moon graces the night sky, marking the end of Ramadan, the joy of Eid shines brightly across the global Muslim community. However, for the children in Afghanistan, there’s a heartfelt yearning to share in the same Eid joy.